Kategoriarkiv: Interviews og Q&A’s

A chat with Buddy Holliday

14397968_1763060080634990_610430126_nLike an out-of-focus, faded photo in a dusty frame inevitably recalls nostalgic memories of a time gone by Melbourne outfit Buddy Holliday’s lingering tunes have the ability to transport you back to the recollections of summer, friends and never ending hangouts. The remembered fragments of having the time of your life. And it’s all pretty simple, really. Three good friends, a bunch of talent, and the urge to make music that they just want to listen to themselves.

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Modsætningernes mester: En snak med Eucrid Elms

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.54.12Det er nogle af de tungere gutter, der findes inspiration i i Eucrid Elms’ univers. Vi snakker sværvægtere som Thurston Moore, Nick Cave og David Lynch. En umulig opgave for de fleste, men hvor mange kommer til kort, leverer Esben Møller Hansen – manden bag Eucrid Elms – et fuldstændig personligt, indlevet og lige så kuldegysende resultat som førnævnte.

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Telstar Drugs: ‘Pulley’ premiere and Q&A


Premiere + Q&A: In what seems like a bottomless pool of forceful and talented experimental pop-rock from Canada I recently discovered Montreal-based Telstar Drugs floating around on the surface. A blend of unexpected drum structures, steadily sounding (and catchy as fuck) guitar riffs, and a carefully balanced mixture of tranquility and noise they caught my attention immediately – and obsessively. I got a hold of Raff McMahan from the band, and grilled him for a bit. Here’s what he had to say and the premiere of the new song ‘Pulley‘. Læs resten

Collision With An Insignificant City

10557117_464158390400311_3571637620429080570_oInterview: ‘Aarhus er midt i en musikalsk oplysningstid’ lyder det fra arrangørerne bag Collision With An Insignificant City; et projekt som udfolder sig første dag på den populære festival, Pop Revo i Aarhus. En dristig udmelding men ikke mindre sand af den grund. Helt konkret byder arrangementet på en samling af Aarhus’ bedste, kort men godt, én efter én som perler på en snor. Læs resten

ML Buch

ML BuchVideo + Q&A: Et sted mellem fritsvævende field recordings af antropologisk art, snurrende noise og sylespidse popmelodier arbejder Berlin-bosatte ML Buch. For nylig udgav hun sin første single “Flow”, der er indspillet i samarbejde med en række dygtige folk fra det Københavnske musikmiljø. Vi sendte en håndfuld spørgsmål til Berlin og fik både svar og en opmærksomhedsslugende musikvideo retur. Se og læs med her.
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Moon City Boys

Moon CityVideo + Q&A: Moon City Boys is a cool new four piece out of Stockholm. Though they have only released a 7″ and some demos Moon City Boys have definitely gotten our attention. As many Swedish bands throughout history these four ladies knows how to write solid melodies. They mix 60’s popmusic with 90’s DIY indierock and the result is addictive! Let My Love Dance is the name of their brand new song. Watch the video here and read a Q&A with Moon City Boys too.

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Curtis O’Mara and The Art of Wearing Purple

CURTIS4Interview: In Austin it’s not really an uncommon thing, but the sun’s out and I’m stoked. I’m biking and I close my eyes and enjoy every beam of energy it is sending my way. And while playing this risky game of biking with no sight I think about the man I am biking towards, Curtis O’Mara. After his show at SXSW with his band Grape St. he agreed to sit down for a beer and a talk. On purpose I haven’t done too much research on the guy. I have a feeling the talk is going to go in whatever direction Curtis chooses whether I have prepared something or not. Læs resten

Tile Breaker – svar på tiltale og et nyt nummer

TilebreakerTile Breaker er en ny trio fra det stadig voksende DIY miljø i Aarhus. En rugekasse for hidsig garagepunk og ungdommelig hardcore, men i den senere tid også arnested for minimalistisk pop og tænksom langsom-rock. Netop det langsomme tempo er karakteristisk for Tile Breaker. Det umiddelbare er udskiftet med eftertænksomhed og tålmodighed på sange i blå nuancer. Anders Thode og Andreas Halskov svarer her på spørgsmål om trioens korte historie, ledsaget af det ikke før offentliggjorde nummer Dark Days, Insignificant Town.  

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Interview: Tears. Navnet på endnu et musikalsk projekt med afsender: Jeppe Grønbæk. Med Casio-keyboardet i hånden, fortæller den nyslåede popkriger om nyt blod i en stagnerende by, banaliteternes nødvendighed og ABBA. Et øde værtshus og en jukebox blev scenen for hvor vi mødtes med fortællingens hovedperson.

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Zula – Chasing that Magic

IMG_3556I first saw – more importantly heard – Zula at a show at Glasslands in Williamsburg. Being the support band for Jana Hunter (Lower Dens) I didn’t expect to pay too much attention. I was excited about Hunter and honestly, whatever happened before just needed to happen quickly. Or at least that’s what I thought. Læs resten

Interview with Dan Reeves of Faux Discx Records

fauxOn a cozy saturday afternoon in July I had the pleasure of sharing a beer with Dan Reeves. Dan lives in Brighton and has served as a long-time recurring musical highlight for me and was kind enough to share a few thoughts on some of his work. Although I must declare myself a fan of both of his bands, Cold Pumas and The Soft Walls, I felt as if I had already examined the two to an extent that would leave me better off with the last secrets untold. Instead, I turned my focus towards his more mysterious and less outspoken alias Faux Discx(From Lappland Zine #2) Læs resten

Michael Wallace A.K.A. Milk Jagger

10723352_10154721964075088_560251367_nHold on!’ he exclaims when the Skype camera turns on. I can’t see much except some blond, spiky hair in the bottom of the screen. I’m skyping with Michael Wallace, drummer of among other Viet Cong and Women. ‘I got a sick move first’, he mumbles as his face suddenly appears on the screen fidgeting with something in his hand. Is it a… lamp? ‘I was gonna put this sick, red lamp on my face but it doesn’t seem to work anymore’. Michael looks bummed. I am too. Læs resten

Chad VanGaalen interview

Lappland TV: We met up with Chad VanGaalen just before his concert at Ideal Bar, Copenhagen and talked about why touring sucks and what he does to kill time in the van. Chad VanGaalen shares he do’s and don’ts about touring too. We do apologies for the very non HD quality. Hugs!

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Flux Festival 2014 Q&A

2014 er året hvor Flux Festival, for anden gang, smider en musikalsk atombombe af musik fra den bedste danske scene over Aarhus. For at varme op til lejligheden, har vi på Lappland bedt en af bagmændene for festivalen, Alexander Julin, om at svare på en række spørgsmål. Læs her om, musikalske rutsjebaneturer, opgør med den traditionelle festival og om at ”gøre det selv”.

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